Events are quickly developing for Big Daddy Roo. Rumors are swirling about that he is being forced to retire this week amid controversy over results that stemmed from a random fertility test. Insiders state that despite free health care and palatial living quarters the big red rooster is no longer able to secure the development of future generations and replacements are already being considered. Fans of the early morning crooner are insisting he be allowed to spend his remaining years in the art field, or in this case- being art in the field. ( AKA yard art) Critics, however, are suggesting he would be better adapted at entering the kitchen and trying his luck at a savory pot of chicken and dumplings. We will keep you updated as this story progresses.
In other news, the Orpington twins were spotted networking and eating with members of the Fowl Weather Friends Society. The FWFS recently hosted an exclusive" by invitation only" styled benefit. The proceeds of which go to support the expansion of research and development of leading pig farmers as well as marketing strategies. A spokesperson for the group stated that," with the economy forcing people to eat out less and cook at home more, it was important that- pork, the other white meat- be kept in the forefront of the public's mind."
Ruckus |
In our next report we will interview an up and
coming financial analyzer named Ruckus, the author of How to feather your nest while working for chicken scratch.